Unexpected career shifts and changing goals can land people in front of their computers, asking their search engine of choice: Should I go back to college?

A college degree can help you earn a higher salary, stable employment and a career in a field you enjoy. You can return to college anytime, but determining the right time for you requires careful research and internal motivation.

This article walks you through a supportive decision-making process, including the benefits and drawbacks of returning to school, what to consider before applying, and resources to guide your search. Big decisions like returning to college take time; we’re here to answer your questions and guide you toward the right solution.

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How to Decide If Returning to College Is Right For You

Going back to school can unearth complex feelings. Excitement and curiosity mixed with uncertainty are normal—it’s a big (and sometimes scary) step.

First, identify whether your desire to return comes from an inner drive or an external pressure. Both are valuable motivators, but it’s crucial to determine why you want to return to school.

If you’re feeling driven back to the books by an urge to leave your current position or move to a new city, investigate the root of your restlessness. External motivators can push us to new places, such as working on a different team, applying for jobs or committing to a degree program.

A burgeoning passion for a different field or an aspiration to level up your skill set can signal you’re ready to return to school. Alternatively, you may want to learn for learning’s sake, complete an unfinished bachelor’s degree, or begin a career that requires a higher education.

If you did not complete a bachelor’s degree, it could be worth your time to consider a return to college. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, of workers aged 25 to 34, those with bachelor’s degrees made 33.1% more than those who pursued some college but did not finish their degree. The long-term benefits of going back to school can far outweigh the costs.

Reasons to Return to College

Many factors can inspire you to return to school. Below we explore some of the most common reasons people go back to earn a degree.

Job Security

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that among people ages 25 and older, higher degrees lead to more job security. As of February 2023, the unemployment rate for people with bachelor’s degrees was around 2%, while high school graduates with no college degrees had a 3.9% unemployment rate.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Higher degree levels coincide with career growth. Earning a master’s, for example, can translate to a higher salary and position, according to research from the College Board. A study from Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce study found that people with bachelor’s degrees take home 57% of all U.S. wages and account for 66% of the country’s total employment.

Career advancement and future leadership opportunities often depend on your education level.

Change to a New Career

Mulling over a career change? You’re not alone. According to a survey by Harris Poll, 52% of U.S. workers are thinking about a job change in the near future. Going back to college can help you launch a career in a brand-new field thanks to networking opportunities, specialized courses and internships. A degree can also spotlight your dedication to a newfound career and propel you into the field more quickly.

Greater Earning Potential

Earning a bachelor’s or graduate degree can bump up your take-home pay. The BLS reports that master’s degree holders see an increase of about $600 in their median weekly earnings over workers with just about a high school diploma. Bachelor’s degree holders earn nearly double what high school graduates earn.

What to Consider When Deciding to Return to College

Returning to a school’s hallowed halls—or virtual chat rooms—demands much of your time. Before diving into coursework and applications, you should understand your motivations and find a program that fits your lifestyle and learning needs.

Identify a Career Shift or Possible Advancement

People may go back to school to study an up-and-coming technology or to research a topic more in-depth. Others may consider how a particular college degree can help them pivot careers or advance to executive-level positions.

Once you identify where you’d like to shift or grow your career, connect with professionals in those spaces. What degrees do they hold? What do they wish they’d known before completing an undergraduate degree or entering a graduate program? Set clear goals and expectations before selecting a degree program to ensure it prepares you for your desired career move.

Research Degree Programs or Certificates

After mapping out a career, you must determine which program best suits your goals. Take time to research not only degree programs but also certificates and bootcamps.

Does your ideal career require completing a four-year bachelor’s degree or a multi-year graduate degree, such as for counseling? Or does your field prefer more skills-based learning where a shorter master class or weeks-long certificate program may suffice? Certificates and bootcamps require less time and money than traditional degrees and may still meet your education needs.

Decide What Time Commitment Works Best for You

Many adult learners who return to school choose part-time college programs. Part-time enrollment makes it easier to balance responsibilities at home and work while pursuing your degree. Part-time students take about two courses per semester. Remember, however, that you may not qualify for certain loans and scholarships if your credit load is too light.

Full-time attendance ensures you finish your degree program more quickly, and full-time learners may qualify for more financial aid. On the other hand, studying full time requires a significant time commitment, so you may not have time to work while attending school.

Online College Could Be a Great Option

As an online college student, you can earn your degree from the comfort of your couch and often at a lower cost than an in-person degree.

Distance-learning programs grant students more flexibility to take courses at their own pace and allow learners to pivot between home and school without hopping in the car or bus to get to class. Plus, online degrees carry the same weight as their in-person counterparts as long as your school of choice is properly accredited.

Returning to College Resources

Going back to college can feel like learning to ride a bike after a long hiatus. But you’re not venturing down this road alone. These practical resources can help you decide on or prepare for a potential return to school.

Writing Center

Writing is fundamental to college applications and courses. If you’re more of a numbers person, consider attending a writing center for guidance through essay structure and editing. You can also explore online writing centers that are unaffiliated with colleges to improve your writing skills and polish your application essays.

College Counselors

You’ve made your pros and cons list and talked to peers in your ideal field, yet you’re swiveling between programs. Enter college counselors. Not just for high school students, college counselors can help you explore different majors, apply for financial aid and choose a program that aligns with your career goals.

Setting up a Workspace

Curating an environment that fosters focus and calm is essential for student success. Select a space at home to transform into a study zone. Elements of an effective study space can include noise-reducing headphones, a comfortable chair and natural light. Reducing distractions is also important to reap the most benefit from your courses.

Education Tax Credits

Before letting cost deter you from returning to school, explore all your financial aid options, including education tax credits. The two education tax credits you can apply for include the American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit, which can lower your taxes (and possibly supplement your income) while you attend school.

Apply for the FAFSA

College requires a significant financial investment, and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid calculates how much student aid you qualify for based on your finances. You may be eligible for low-interest loans, grants or work-study programs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Returning to College

How do I go back to college after a long absence?

Think about easing back into college courses after a long break. Talk to students in your preferred profession, register for an online class and practice your writing skills. Thoroughly research programs to identify which advances your career goals or offers the most financial aid.

What age is too late to go back to college?

You can go back to college at any age. There are no age caps for college students as long as they complete the requisite application forms and gain admission. An enthusiasm for learning can go a long way, too.

How do I start going back to college?

Going back to school is a significant change, and it’s best to approach the process one step at a time. Make a list of the requirements and materials for each program you apply to, and think about talking to a college counselor who can guide you through the process.