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Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020

Full Report

Executive Summary

State Report


Press Release

Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020: shows where the jobs will be by education level, occupation and industry. Recovery 2020 is an update to our Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018.

Key Findings


There will be 55 million job openings in the economy through 2020: 24 million openings from newly created jobs and 31 million openings due to baby boom retirements.

By educational attainment: 35 percent of the job openings will require at least a bachelorโ€™s degree, 30 percent of the job openings will require some college or an associateโ€™s degree and 36 percent of the job openings will not require education beyond high school.

STEM, Healthcare Professions, Healthcare Support, and Community Services will be the fastest growing occupations, but also will require high levels of post-secondary education.

Employers will seek cognitive skills such as communication and analytics from job applicants rather than physical skills traditionally associated with manufacturing.


Our reportย looks forward to the year 2020 and predicts the state of the American economy. Recovery 2020 provides vital labor market information such as which fields are expected to create the most jobs, the education requirements required to gain employment in the U.S., and the skills most coveted by employers.


This report is an update to our previous report on job and education requirements,ย Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018ย was released in 2010.

We use the same methodology for Recovery 2020. A detailed explanation for Recovery 2020 is found underย appendix 1ย of the report.

To understand the full methodology, please see theย Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018ย technical summary.

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Full Report
Executive Summary
Press Release