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A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing

Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not

Ranking 186 law schools by their return on investment

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Ranking 4,500 Colleges by ROI (2022)

Buyer Beware: First-Year Earnings and Debt for 37,000 College Majors at 4,400 Institutions

The Colleges Where Low-Income Students Get the Highest ROI

Who We Are

Our research focuses on three core areas with the goal of better aligning education and training with workforce and labor market demand: Jobs, Skills, and Equity.

Video Library

Watch dynamic report overviews from our lead economists, media interviews, Capitol Hill testimonies, webinars, conference keynotes, and more.

Who We Are

We are a research and policy institute within Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy that studies the links between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands.

Interactive State Map

Use our interactive map to view state-level research on job projections, the economic value of college majors, sector studies on healthcare, nursing, and STEM.

Video Library

Watch dynamic report overviews from our lead economists, media interviews, Capitol Hill testimonies, webinars, conference keynotes, and more.

Who We Are

We are an independent, nonprofit research and policy institute that studies the link between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands.

Interactive State Map

Use our interactive map to view state-level research on job projections, the economic value of college majors, sector studies on healthcare, nursing, and STEM.


Report Overview
May 28, 2024

The Great Misalignment
Addressing the Mismatch between the Supply of Certificates and Associate’s Degrees and the Future Demand for Workers in 565 US Labor Markets

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Report Overview
April 29, 2024

Progress Interrupted
Evaluating a Decade of Demographic Change at Selective and Open-Access Institutions Prior to the End of Race-Conscious Affirmative Action

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Report Overview
February 28, 2024

Small Towns, Big Opportunities
Many Workers in Rural Areas Have Good Jobs, but These Areas Need Greater Investment in Education, Training, and Career Counseling

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Report Overview
January 17, 2024

Learning and Earning by Degrees
Gains in College Degree Attainment Have Enriched the Nation and Every State, but Racial and Gender Inequality Persists

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies

Research Topics

Since 2008, we have conducted research related to Jobs, Skills, and Equity to better inform students, parents, teachers, and policymakers about the changing relationship between education and careers.

State and Local Analysis

We produce state-level research on the relationship between education and employment and provide state technical assistance.

Economic and Racial Justice

We study the intersections of education and employment by race, ethnicity, class, and gender to inform educators and policymakers about equity issues.

Education and Workforce Policy

Our research breaks down the policy silos among secondary and postsecondary education, and career pathways.

Non-economic Value of Higher Education

We study the effects of higher education on individual health, crime reduction, family stability, and higher rates of civic engagement.

Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies

We connect cognitive competencies with occupational demands and study the labor market value of two- and four-year degrees, certificate and certifications, and other credentials.

Job Projections & Education Requirements

We analyze the education requirements for jobs in different industries, occupations, and geographic areas.