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Career Clusters

Forecasting Demand for High School through College Jobs

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Executive Summary

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Press Release

A postsecondary education is the best path to the middle class, but others exist. Career Clusters: Forecasting Demand for High School through College Jobs examines the most promising opportunity for job seekers of varying education levels.

Key Findings


While jobs for workers with high school diplomas are in decline, they still exist.

Jobs for middle skill workers (jobs for workers with some college, a certificate, or an Associateโ€™s degree) will make up 29 percent of the workforce by 2018.

Manufacturing will continue to decline in total employment, but retiring Baby Boomers will create 2 million job openings.

The gender gap in wages varies greatly from cluster to cluster. For example, the gap in Architecture and Construction is $2,000; in Health Science, it is $69,000.

Interactive Map

Gender Wage Gap Interactive Tool: Explore the data on the gender wage gap by college major using our interactive tool.

Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce analysis of American Community Survey, 2009โ€“2016 (pooled) of bachelorโ€™s degree holders without advanced degrees, age 25-59 working full-time full-year.


The best pathway to the middle class is through postsecondary education, but not everyone goes directly from high school to college. Are those who enter the workforce directly from high school doomed to work minimum wage jobs? In Career Clusters, we examine which sectors of the labor market afford individuals the best route to a middle-class income. Using forecasts, we identify the most promising clusters for job seekers with a high school diploma or less, middle skills such as a certificate or Associateโ€™s degree, and those with Bachelorโ€™s degrees or better.

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Executive Summary
Press Release