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The Dollars and Sense of Free College


New CEW report estimates the cost of four free-college proposals

The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce released a new report estimating the cost of the free-college plan backed by former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, as well as three other proposals for free college. The Dollars and Sense of Free College finds that these free-college programs could cost between $28 and $75 billion in the first year. Despite the significant cost, the additional annual tax revenue from the increased number of college graduates would start to outpace the annual cost of some free-college programs within a decade.



A new report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce estimates the cost of Joe Biden’s #freecollege plan and 3 other major proposals, finding that a national free-college plan could cost between $28B and $75B in the 1st year. However, the value of a free-college program would start to outweigh the cost within a decade.


Federal spending on financial aid has not kept pace with the rising price of college. But how much would it cost to make college free? Read the new report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce to find out:


The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce estimates that under a #freecollege program, student enrollment in higher education would increase 4% to 8% overall, and some students would shift from private to public colleges. Open-access public colleges would see the greatest increase in enrollment, from 9% to 19%.



The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce released a new report estimating the cost of major free-college proposals at the federal level, including the plan supported by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. While the cost of a national #freecollege program is substantial, the annual benefits of some models would exceed the annual costs within a decade. Read the new report to learn more:


Authoritarian populism was gaining steam across the globe before the #COVID19 pandemic, and some authoritarian governments have restricted civil liberties even further as COVID-19 spread. Read the latest report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce to learn more:



.@GeorgetownCEW’s new report estimates the cost of @JoeBiden’s #freecollege plan and 3 other major proposals, finding that the additional annual tax revenue would outweigh the annual cost of some free-college programs within a decade.


Federal spending on financial aid has not kept pace with the rising price of college. But how much would it cost to make college free? Read @GeorgetownCEW’s new report to find out:


.@GeorgetownCEW’s new report reveals that a national #freecollege program could have numerous noneconomic benefits, from improved health and reduced crime to informed civic participation.


.@GeorgetownCEW’s latest report highlights why transparency and accountability of #freecollege will be vital to ensure that the programs offered by public higher education institutions are valuable to students and taxpayers.


Under a national #freecollege program, student enrollment in higher education would increase 4% to 8% overall, and some students would shift from private to public colleges. Read more from @GeorgetownCEW’s newest report here:

Images and Figures


“Free college isn’t really free for the taxpayers who will end up paying for it. However, within 10 years, the annual benefits of some free-college programs could outweigh their annual costs.”

Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale


“With a federal free-college program, we expect college enrollment to increase and shift from private to public colleges.”

Michael Quinn, Senior Analyst


“Free college at the federal level has the potential to open doors of opportunity to more people, especially those from disadvantaged groups who are currently scared off by a high price tag, confusing financial aid policies, and the prospect of going into debt.”

Artem Gulish, Senior Policy Strategist


Explore the free-college programs currently offered in each state. @GeorgetownCEW


Additional annual tax revenue associated with higher educational attainment would exceed the annual costs of Biden’s tuition-free plan within 10 years of the initial implementation year. @GeorgetownCEW


Explore @GeorgetownCEW’s breakdown of the various free-college plans and their estimated costs.

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The Dollars and Sense of Free College finds that a national free-college program could cost between $28 and $75 billion in the first year.

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