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Executive Summary


Press Release

By 2020, 1 out of every 5 dollars will be spent on healthcare in the United States. In ourย Healthcare report, we project 5.6 million jobs in the healthcare sector by 2020, 82 percent of which will require postsecondary education.

Key Findings


By 2020, 1 out of every 5 dollars will be spent on healthcare in the U.S.

We project 5.6 million jobs in the healthcare sector by 2020, 82 percent of which will require postsecondary education.


In Healthcare, we provide detailed analysis and projections of healthcare fields, occupations, and their wages. In addition, we discuss the important skills and work values associated with healthcare fields and occupations. Finally, we analyze the implications of our findings for the racial, ethnic, and class diversity of the healthcare workforce in the coming decade.

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Full Report
Executive Summary
Press Release