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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Full Report

Executive Summary/State Analysis

Interactive Map


Press Release

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics workers are the source of growth and innovation, but meeting the economy’s demand for these critical skills will be challenging.

Key Findings


The disproportionate influence of STEM raises a persistent concern that we are not producing enough STEM workers to compete successfully in the global economy. We find that this concern is warranted – but not for the reasons traditionally claimed.

The growing demand for STEM talent allows and encourages the diversion of students and workers with STEM competencies.

More lucrative jobs requiring STEM competencies are approaching STEM workers for their skill set.

65% of Bachelor’s degree holders in STEM earn more than Master’s degree holders.

Interactive Map

Gender Wage Gap Interactive Tool: Explore the data on the gender wage gap by college major using our interactive tool.

Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce analysis of American Community Survey, 2009–2016 (pooled) of bachelor’s degree holders without advanced degrees, age 25-59 working full-time full-year.


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) occupations are critical to our continued economic competitiveness because of their direct ties to innovation, economic productivity, even though they will only be 5 percent of all jobs in the United States economy by 2018.

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Full Report
Executive Summary
Press Release