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Chronicle of Higher Education: “Minding the Midpoint Where Labor and Education Meet,” by Kevin Carey (9/4/2011)

Gallup: “Most Americans See College as Essential to Getting a Good Job,” by Cynthia English (8/18/2011)

US News & World Report: “Help the Economy: Donate a Scholarship/ Education and Training,” by Scholarship America (7/21/2011)

Education Week: “Lack of College-Educated Workers Will Hurt Economy,” by Caralee Adams (7/14/2011)

Education Week: “The UnderEducated American,” by Richard Whitmire (7/14/2011)

Business Insider: “College Graduates: Too Many In China, Not Enough In America,” by EconMatters (7/5/2011)

Princeton Review: “U.S. Needs 20 Million New College-Educated Workers,” (6/28/2011)

CBS Money Watch: “Do We Need 20 Million More College Grads?” by Lynn O’Shaughnessy (6/27/2011)

Huffington Post: “Recent Studies Confirm College Ultimately Worth The Cost,” by Amanda M. Fairbanks (6/27/2011)

Inside Higher Ed: “The Case for More College Grads,” by Doug Lederman (6/27/2011)

Chronicle of Higher Education: “U.S. Will Need Another 20 Million Workers With Some College Education, Report Says,” (6/26/2011).

New York Times: “Even for Cashiers, College Pays Off,” by David Leonhardt (6/26/2011)

New York Times: “Why College Brings a Huge Return,” by David Leonhardt (6/25/2011).