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A Bit of College Can Be Worse Than None at All

October, 2014 In this Wall Street Journal article, Melissa Korn discusses the idea that due to the debt students accumulate, only a little bit of college can be worse than no college experience at all. She quotes Anthony P. Carnevale in her article to support her claims.
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Credential Creep Confirmed

September, 2014 This Doug Lederman article on Inside Higher, discusses the two arguments between the idea that many jobs will require higher education and the critics of higher education that complaint that there is a credential inflation. The article quotes Anthony P. Carnevale being on the pro-credential side.
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Redesigning Remedial Math

September 2014,  At National Journal, Sophie Quinton discusses a new approach to teaching mathematics that will truly prepare students for their college requirements. The article quotes Anthony P. Carnevale giving his thoughts about the actual content in algebra.
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