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US News & World Report: “College Certificates Remain Popular in the Current Economy,” by Chris Hassan (7.11.12)

Inside Higher Ed: “For-Profit Grads’ Wage Disadvantage,” by Scott Jaschik (7.3.12)

The Atlantic: “Rethinking the Relationship Between Work and School,” by Amy Southerland (6.19.12)

American RadioWorks: “Another Kind of Higher Education,” by Emily Hanford (6.10.12)

TODAY: Life Inc. : “Training programs can lead to big bump in pay — especially for men,” by Allison Linn  (6.7.12)

Chronicle of Higher Education: “Students – Certificates Rise to 22% of Postsecondary Credentials Awarded, Report Says,” by Jennifer Gonzalez (6.6.12)

Inside Higher Ed: “Certificates are misunderstood credentials that pay off – mostly for men,” by Paul Fain (6.6.12)

Marketplace: “Trade certificates help men more than women,” by Shereen Marisol Meraji (6.6.12)

New York Times: “How Certificates Can Lift Income,” by Motoko Rich (6.6.12)

USA Today: “Study examines vocational certificates’ big rewards,” by Mary Beth Marklein (6.6.12)

Washington Post: “Are certificates the future of higher education?” by Daniel de Vise (6.6.12)

U.S. News & World Report “Continuing Education Remains Popular for Generation X” by Catherine Groux (5.9.13)

Diverse Education “Four Ways Higher Education Has Changed in Wake of Great Recession” by Justin Pope (6.24.13)

HuffPost College “Higher Education Changes Fueled By Great Recession” by Justin Pope (7.1.13)

The Wall Street Journal “Seeking a Shortcut to a Job” by Caroline Porter (7.15.13)

The Huffington Post “Research Supports Work of Community Colleges” by Tom Snyder (7.29.13)

The Atlantic “The Future of Shop Class” by Sophie Quinton (12.16.13)