In this Forbes article, Heather E. McGowan discusses human capital and how income inequality inhibits economic growth. McGowan cites the CEW report “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose.”
Media Mentions
In this NBC News article, Martha C. White discusses the many gaps in America’s economic recovery. White quotes CEW Director of Research Jeff Strohl about how COVID-19 has had a…
Maureen Downey writes for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about eliminating college admissions exams. Downey quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about the advantages that wealthy and connected students have in elite college…
Jeff Mason writes for Reuters about Biden’s push for wealthy Americans and corporations to help fund free community college and other benefits for workers. Mason cites the CEW report “Recovery:…
In this Forbes article, Allison Dulin Salisbury discusses how investing in upskilling, reskilling, and advancement helps promote diversity in company leadership. Dulin Salisbury cites the CEW report “College is Just…
Adam Edelman writes for NBC News about Biden’s claims on the types of jobs that will be created under his infrastructure plan. Edelman quotes the CEW report “15 Million Infrstructure…
Angelo Fichera, D’Angelo Gore, Eugene Kiely, and Robert Farley write for USA Today about Biden’s claims during his first joint address to Congress. Fichera, Gore, Kiely, and Farley cite the…
In this NPR article, Kirk Carapezza discusses how some employers are no longer requiring a college degree. Carapezza quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about college credentials in the labor market.
This CNN article fact-checks Biden’s claims on the economy, immigration, and education in his first speech to Congress. CNN staff cite the CEW report “15 Million Infrstructure Jobs.”
In this Inside Higher Ed op-ed, Debra Humphreys writes about the misleading language in describing only certain credentials as “skills based.” Humphreys cites the CEW report “The Overlooked Value of…
Olivia Sanchez writes for the Hechinger Report about three proposals that would transform the Pell grant. Sanchez quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about expanding Pell grant dollars to include short-term…
Elisabeth Buchwald writes for MarketWatch about the ways in which Biden’s infrastructure plan could help women join the traditionally male-dominated field. Buchwald quotes CEW’s Chief Economist Nicole Smith about the…
This USA Today op-ed discusses the broad categories that are included under Biden’s infrastructure plan. The Editorial Board cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure Jobs.”
Anna Helhoski writes for NerdWallet about the consequences of postponing earning a college degree. Helhoski quotes CEW’s Chief Economist Nicole about how virtual learning likely will impact the next generation.
Michelle Fox writes for CNBC about how many young people are struggling to find jobs even as the economy recovers. Fox quotes CEW’s Chief Economist Nicole Smith on the current…
In this NPR interview with CEW’s Chief Economist Nicole Smith, Noel King discusses how Biden’s infrastructure plan expands on the traditional definition of infrastructure and would affect women as well…
In this Yahoo Finance interview with CEW’s Chief Economist Nicole Smith, Zack Guzman and Akiko Fujita discuss Biden’s infrastructure plan and the effect it will have on blue-collar jobs. Guzman…
In this Washington Post op-ed, Dorothy A. Brown discusses how the higher education system perpetuates the Black-White wealth gap instead of promoting equity for all students. Brown cites the CEW…
Paul Basken writes for Times Higher Education about the projected surge in the training demand resulting from Biden’s infrastructure plan. Basken cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure Jobs.”
Paul Basken writes for Times Higher Education about Biden’s infrastructure plan and the education and training that would be required of workers who take on new infrastructure jobs.
In this US News & World Report article, Susan Milligan discusses Biden’s willingness to compromise on the finances of his infrastructure plan. Milligan cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure…
In this Forbes article, Susan Adams writes about how COVID-19 has impacted college admissions. Adams quotes CEW’s Associate Director Martin Van Der Werf on inequities in the higher education system.
Goldie Blumenstyk writes for the Chronicle of Higher Education about Biden’s infrastructure proposal and the impact it would have on education, training, and equity. Blumenstyk cites the CEW report “15…
Jill Barshay writes for the Hechinger Report about the growing anti-college sentiment among some parents. Barshay quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about competing messages on the value of college and…
In this Forbes article, Sarah Hansen writes about how Biden’s infrastructure plan could slow down the economy in the short term before contributing to long-term economic growth. Hansen cites the…
Densita Tsekova writes for Yahoo Finance about how Biden’s infrastructure plan is a chance to reconnect with blue-collar America. Tsekova quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith on the blue-collar economy…
In this article in US news & World Report, Susan Milligan writes that although the US economy is recovering from the pandemic, there is still a long road ahead. Milligan…
In this MarketWatch article, Elisabeth Buchwald and Andrew Keshner discuss how Biden’s infrastructure plan could create millions of jobs for workers across the country with a high school degree or…
In this Forbes article, Sarah Hansen analyzes the prediction that US employment will return to pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2021. Hansen cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure…
In this Bloomberg article, Andrew Kreighbaum and Ian Kullgren discuss the $100 billion from Biden’s infrastructure plan that would target workforce training programs. Kreighbaum and Kullgren cite the CEW report…
Nandita Bose writes for Reuters about how Biden’s infrastructure plan has the potential to create many new jobs for lower middle-income workers. Bose cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure…
Gina Chon writes for Reuters about the economic necessity of Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. Chon cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure Jobs.”
In this Community College Daily article, Matthew Dembicki discusses the impact of Biden’s infrastructure program on job training. Dembicki cites the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure Jobs.”
Elisabeth Buchwald writes for MarketWatch about how people with college degrees are more likely to have received the COVID-19 vaccine than people without a college education. Buchwald cites the CEW…
This Bloomberg article discusses Biden’s plans for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Bloomberg News cites the CEW blog post “Vaccinations Have Ramped Up, But Has Distribution Been Equitable?”
In this Chronicle of Higher Education article, Scott Carlson discusses how the pandemic may create a large demand for reskilling and retraining programs. Carlson quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about…
In this EdSource article, Ashley A. Smith, Michael Burke, and Larry Gordon discuss the changes in higher education that may persist even after the pandemic is over. Smith, Burke, and…
Robert Cole writes for Forbes about the importance of considering many variables when deciding where to apply to college. Earning potential and graduation rates are significant measures of a school’s…
Anna Helhoski writes for NerdWallet about the tax break on college debt cancellations in the COVID-19 relief package. Helhoski quotes CEW Senior Policy Strategist Artem Gulish about the potential for…
In this CNBC article, Abigail Johnson Hess discusses the gender gaps in student debt and highlights how student debt forgiveness is critical for an equitable economic recovery. Hess cites the…