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Media Mentions

September 3, 2019

Debate Surrounds College Board’s Adversity Score Replacement

Sara Weissman writes for Diverse Issues in Higher Ed about the College Board’s decision to replace its “adversity score” with Landscape, which aims to provide a picture of students’ socioeconomic backgrounds. Weissman quotes Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on the low impact Landscape will have on the college admissions system.
August 29, 2019

College Board Drops Plans for SAT Student Adversity Scores

Doug Belkin writes for the Wall Street Journal about the College Board’s decision to replace the Environmental Context Dashboard with Landscape, in attempt to provide context about students’ social and economic backgrounds. Belkin cites the CEW report “SAT-Only Admissions” to explain the role that the test plays in college admissions.
August 9, 2019

The Texas Tech K-12 Pipeline

Lindsay McKenzie writes for Inside Higher Ed about the potential of Texas Tech’s K-12 program. McKenzie quotes CEW Director Anthony P. Carnevale about how the university system has the potential to connect students to the labor market earlier in their studies.
August 7, 2019

How to Get Good Grades in College

In this US News article, Josh Moody offers basic advice for how students can earn good grades in college. Moody cites the CEW report “Learning While Earning” to explain why students should avoid working too much to maintain good grades.
July 30, 2019

The Value of Voc Ed

In this Inside Higher Ed article, Greta Anderson compares the college success of students who have taken academic courses in high school as opposed to those who took career and technical education courses. Anderson quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on the benefit of CTE for less advantaged students.
July 14, 2019

The Hispanic Vote: Moving Beyond the Campaign Trail

In this op-ed for The Hill, Rachel Schmidtke writes about what political candidates can do to attract Hispanic voters in 2020. Schmidtke cites the CEW report “Latino Education and Economic Progress” to explain why Hispanics have not made significant progress in educational attainment.
July 8, 2019

Brewing Battle Over Pell Grants

In this Inside Higher Education article, Andrew Kreighbaum writes about the debate over potential expansion of Pell Grants for short-term job training. Kreighbaum cites the CEW report “Certificates.”
June 24, 2019

Wage-by-Major Statistics: Transparency to What End?

In this Inside Higher Ed article, Zachary Bleemer about the incomes resulting from various undergraduate majors. Bleemer cites CEW report “The Economic Value of College Majors” and quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on how colleges should make information on employment and wage prospects available to students.
June 23, 2019

Is Key to Success Being Born Smart or Rich?

In this article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Maureen Downey writes about the role family income plays in students’ success. Downey cites CEW’s report “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose” and quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on how in the US, it is better to be born affluent than smart.
June 23, 2019

Who Would SAT-Only Admissions Help? White, Affluent Students.

In this article for The Chronicle of Higher Education, Eric Hoover writes about the significance of the SAT in college admissions decisions. Hoover cites CEW’s report “SAT-Only Admission: How Would It Change College Campuses?” and quotes CEW Director of Research Jeff Strohl on how colleges tend to accept more affluent students based on test scores.