In this article for The 74, Richard Whitmire excerpts his book about how bachelor’s degrees have the potential to transform the United States workforce. Whitmire cites CEW’s report “Learning While…
Media Mentions
In this article for the Wall Street Journal, Likhitha Butchireddygari discusses how women now make up the majority of the college-educated labor force. Butchireddygari quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith…
Nelson D. Schwartz writes for the New York Times about Project Quest, a training program in San Antonio that has proven unusually successful. Schwartz quotes Dr. Carnevale on how training…
Lindsay McKenzie writes for Inside Higher Ed about the potential of Texas Tech’s K-12 program. McKenzie quotes CEW Director Anthony P. Carnevale about how the university system has the potential…
In this US News article, Josh Moody offers basic advice for how students can earn good grades in college. Moody cites the CEW report “Learning While Earning” to explain why…
Heather E. McGowan writes in Forbes about how recent research, including the CEW report “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose,” demonstrates the failure of the American Dream.
Matt Krupnick writes for The Hechinger Report about how graduation rates are improving rapidly among Latino students. Krupnick cites the CEW report “Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements through 2020”…
CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale writes for Times Higher Education about why “free college” proposals put forth by several Democratic presidential candidates only cover some of the cost of…
Maureen Downey writes in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about how career and technical education in Georgia seems to have fallen short in evaluations—but information is limited. Downey cites the report “Women…
In this Diverse Issues in Higher Education article, Sara Weissman writes about how a Michigan university is partnering with a local restaurant to offer free tuition for its employees. Weissman…
In this Inside Higher Ed article, Greta Anderson compares the college success of students who have taken academic courses in high school as opposed to those who took career and…
In this Education Dive article, Hallie Busta writes about the lack of research on the outcomes of short-term credential programs, and what that means for a potential expansion of Pell…
In this Education Dive article, Wayne D’Orio discusses initiatives that aim to give prisoners better access to education. D’Orio cites CEW report “Three Educational Pathways to Good Jobs.”
In this Education Dive article, Natalie Schwartz writes about why there has been little growth in salaries for recent graduates with a bachelor’s degree. Schwartz cites the CEW report “Three…
In this Forbes article, Michael Horn makes a case against recent free college proposals. Horn explains why the CEW report “Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020” has played…
In this op-ed for The Hill, Rachel Schmidtke writes about what political candidates can do to attract Hispanic voters in 2020. Schmidtke cites the CEW report “Latino Education and Economic…
In this Wall Street Journal article, Chip Cutter discusses the ways in which technology is changing the US workforce. Cutter quotes CEW Research Director Jeff Strohl on how employers often…
In this Inside Higher Education article, Andrew Kreighbaum writes about the debate over potential expansion of Pell Grants for short-term job training. Kreighbaum cites the CEW report “Certificates.”
Benjamin Wermund writes for Politico about how cheating can occur on college entrance exams. Wermund quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on why detecting cheating based on irregular scores…
In this article for Diverse Issues in Higher Education, LaMont Jones writes about the findings of the CEW report “The Way We Were: The Changing Geography of US Manufacturing.” Jones…
In this Education Dive article, James Paterson writes about the findings of CEW’s report “SAT-Only Admission: How Would It Change College Campuses?” Paterson quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale…
In this article for US News, Casey Leins writes about the state of manufacturing in the US economy. Leins quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on how foreign trade…
In this article for Diverse Issues in Higher Education, Pearl Stewart discusses how standardized tests affect college admissions. Stewart cites CEW’s report “SAT-Only Admissions: How Would It Change College Campuses?”…
Lauren Camera writes for US News about CEW’s report “SAT-Only Admissions: How Would It Change College Campuses?” Camera quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale and Director of Research Jeff…
In this Inside Higher Ed article, Zachary Bleemer about the incomes resulting from various undergraduate majors. Bleemer cites CEW report “The Economic Value of College Majors” and quotes CEW Director…
In this article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Maureen Downey writes about the role family income plays in students’ success. Downey cites CEW’s report “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose” and…
In this article for The Chronicle of Higher Education, Eric Hoover writes about the significance of the SAT in college admissions decisions. Hoover cites CEW’s report “SAT-Only Admission: How Would…
Douglas Belkin writes for the Wall Street Journal about CEW’s recent report, “SAT-Only Admission: How Would It Change College Campuses?” Belkin quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale on how…
In this NPR piece, Dani Matias writes about gender parity in higher education and the college-educated workforce. Matias cites CEW’s report “Women Can’t Win.”
CEW Director of Research Jeff Strohl writes for Higher Learning Advocates about the spread of short-term credentials and their changing relationship with general education.
Abigail Hess writes in CNBC about how the amount of time students take to complete their degree affects their debt. Hess quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith on how socioeconomic…
In this article for The Hechinger Report, Megan Conn discusses how technological advances are reshaping the economy in Mississippi. Conn cites CEW’s analysis on industries that are unlikely to be…
Valerie Strauss writes in the Washington Post about the findings of CEW’s report “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose.”
In this MarketWatch article, Jillian Berman writes about declining funding to postsecondary public education and how it has affected enrollment in bachelor’s programs. Berman cites the CEW report “Recovery: Job…
In this U.S. News and World Report article, Emma Kerr writes about whether rising college tuition costs outweigh the advantage of the degree. Kerr quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P….
In this letter to the editor in the Washington Post, Ellis Rosenberg argues that disabilities should be included in the SAT’s adversity score. Rosenberg quotes CEW Director Dr. Anthony P….
James Paterson writes in Education Dive about the CEW report “Upskilling and Downsizing in American Manufacturing,” relating findings about the manufacturing industry to trends in the larger economy.
In this Diverse Issues in Higher Education article, LaMont Jones describes the state of manufacturing in America. Jones cites the CEW report “Upskilling and Downsizing in American Manufacturing” and quotes…
In this Hechinger Report article, Mikhail Zinshteyn writes about the nonprofit Education at Work and the prospect of hiring students for corporate jobs. Zinshteyn quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith…
In this Washington Post article, Helaine Olen writes about how education alone is not enough to reduce socioeconomic inequality. Olen cites CEW’s report “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose.”