This CNBC article by Michele Fox references the CEW report “If Not Now, When?” to highlight the increasing costs of college tuition and fees.
Media Mentions
This AP News article by Colin Beresford references the CEW report “The College Payoff” to highlight how a college degree generally remains the safest bet towards economic security.
This article by Maria Flynn and Jeremy J. Wheaton from The Hill cites the CEW report “Good Jobs That Pay Without a BA” to highlight the 16 million “good jobs”…
This Washington Post article by George F. Will cites the CEW’s 2022 ranking of colleges by ROI to emphasize that college degree holders do not always earn more than their…
This Inside Higher Ed article by Maria Carrasco quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on the equity issues with unpaid internships.
This EdSurge article by Rebecca Koenig solicits advice from CEW Director Anthony Carnevale as to how to best prepare teenagers for higher education and their professional lives.
This Financial Times article by Patti Waldmier cites the CEW report “Learning While Earning” to bring attention to issues of economic inequality prevalent in higher education.
This Times Higher Education article by Paul Basken references CEW’s research on COVID-19’s impact on education and the workforce to highlight how most universities are now moving away from a…
This Washington Post article by Nick Anderson and Danielle Douglas-Gabriel references the CEW report “The College Payoff” to highlight how the Bachelor’s degree is still the “gold standard” in terms…
This University Business article by Chris Burt references CEW’s 2022 ranking of 4,500 colleges by ROI to spotlight Bryant University’s status of being in the top 1% for ROI.
This NPR article by Elissa Nadworny cites the CEW report “The College Payoff” to emphasize how a growing number of associate’s degree holders are out earning their bachelor degree holding…
This Forbes article by Brianna McGurran and Alicia Hahn references the CEW report “The College Payoff” to highlight the increased cost of college tuition for today’s students.
This EdSurge article by Rebecca Koenig quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on how the education system and the economy are deeply intertwined.
This Washington Post article by Susan Svrluga quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on the growing importance of a college degree in entering the workforce, particularly due to increased demand for…
This Inside Higher Ed article by John Pelletier references the CEW report “The Economic Value of College Majors” to highlight the relevant data students ought to consider when choosing a…
This Times Higher Education article by Andy Chan and Kristina Francis cites CEW report “African Americans” to highlight the key finding that African American students are underrepresented in college majors…
This Inside Higher Ed article by Colleen Flaherty quotes CEW Director of Research Jeff Strohl on lack of standardization for diversity, equity, and inclusion questions during the hiring process.
This Inside Higher Ed article by Scott Jaschik quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale, as well as research from CEW report “The Role of Education in Taming Authoritarian Attitudes,” to explain…
Watch the Commissioner for Higher Education deliver the 2022 State of Higher Education Address, where CEW Director Anthony Carnevale is quoted.
This Boston Business Journal article by Grant Welker includes key analysis from CEW Director of Editorial and Education Policy Martin Van Der Werf as to how higher education has been…
This MarketWatch article by Anna Helhoski shares insight from CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith and the CEW tool “Buyer Beware” on how to choose a college major.
This Yahoo! News article by Karina Mitchell references the CEW report “The College Payoff” to highlight college degree holders’ higher earnings.
This Forbes article by Ryan Craig references CEW’s new college ROI rankings to discuss how many prospective college students are turning toward crypto currency as a fast track to higher…
This Inside Higher Ed article by Suzanne Smalley cites the CEW report “The College Payoff” to explain differences in earnings across a variety of factors, including types of degree and…
This University Business article by Chris Burt mentions CEW as one of the many organizations advocating for the Biden administration to fund evidenced-backed college completion initiatives in the 2023 budget.
This Yahoo! Money article by Ihsaan Fanusie highlights CEW’s new college ROI rankings .
This Washington Post article by Anna Helhoski quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith on striking the right balance between what students are interested in studying and what majors pay well.
This Atlanta Journal Constitution article by Maureen Downey references CEW’s 2022 college ROI rankings to emphasize both the soaring costs and growing demand for college.
This Diverse Issues in Higher Education article by Liann Herder cites the CEW report “Mission Not Accomplished” to highlight racial and gender inequities still prevalent in the engineering field.
This NPR interview by Elissa Nadworny with CEW Director of Editorial and Education Policy Martin Van Der Werf discusses key findings from CEW’s new rankings of 4,500 colleges and universities…
This Higher Ed Dive article by Rick Seltzer highlights key findings from CEW’s new rankings of 4,500 colleges and universities by ROI, including the recommendation to provide students with comprehensive…
This University Business article by Chris Burt discusses CEW’s new rankings of 4,500 colleges and universities by ROI and quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on why some colleges struggle to…
This CNBC article by Jessica Dickler references CEW’s new rankings of 4,500 colleges and universities by ROI to emphasize how going to college typically pays off in the long run.
This US News article by Lauren Camera discusses CEW’s new rankings of 4,500 colleges and universities by ROI, explaining how some high school graduates earn more than their college degree-holding…
This Inside Higher Ed article by Emma Whitford quotes both CEW Director Anthony Carnevale and Director of Editorial and Education Policy Martin Van Der Werf on the various factors influencing…
This Rutgers University article cites the CEW report “Colleges Where Low-Income Students Get The Highest ROI” to spotlight their top ranking in return on investment for lower income students.
This Higher Ed Dive article by Laura Spitalniak articulates key findings from the CEW report, “Colleges Where Low-income Students Get the Highest ROI,” namely that public colleges offer the best…
This University Business article by Matt Zalaznick utilizes the CEW report “Colleges Where Low-income Students Get the Highest ROI” to spotlight continuing inequities in higher education.
This article from the New York Institute of Technology by Bobbie Dell ‘Aquilo cites the CEW report “Colleges Where Low-income Students Get the Highest ROI” to highlight their own regional…
This NBC News article by Abigail Johnson Hess quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith on equity issues for student debt holders.