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Career Pathways

Five Ways to Connect College and Careers

Full Report


Press Release

Career Pathways: Five Ways to Connect College and Careers calls for states to help students, their families, and employers unpack the meaning of postsecondary credentials and assess their value in the labor market.

Key Findings


Learners will better understand how their choices of postsecondary programs can prepare them for fulfilling lives and careers.

Policymakers will effectively and efficiently allocate resources to build strong economies.

Colleges will refresh and strengthen programs to improve student outcomes.

Employers will be able more precisely to identify and hire talented workers.



Our report posits that integrating education and workforce data will go a long way in removing the guesswork for individuals navigating the college and career maze. A number of states have started to leverage integrated education and workforce data by developing publicly available information tools in these five areas:

  • Education Projections, Business Expansion, and Workforce Quality
  • Program Alignment with Labor Market Demand
  • Curriculum Alignment with Workforce Requirements
  • Counseling and Career Pathways
  • Job Placement and Skills Gap Analysis
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Full Report
Press Release