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Press Release
June 24, 2024

A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing
Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
May 28, 2024

The Great Misalignment
Addressing the Mismatch between the Supply of Certificates and Associate’s Degrees and the Future Demand for Workers in 565 US Labor Markets

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
April 29, 2024

Progress Interrupted
Evaluating a Decade of Demographic Change at Selective and Open-Access Institutions Prior to the End of Race-Conscious Affirmative Action

Topic: Economic and Racial Justice
Press Release
February 28, 2024

Small Towns, Big Opportunities
Many Workers in Rural Areas Have Good Jobs, but These Areas Need Greater Investment in Education, Training, and Career Counseling

Topic: Economic and Racial Justice
Press Release
January 17, 2024

Learning and Earning by Degrees
Gains in College Degree Attainment Have Enriched the Nation and Every State, but Racial and Gender Inequality Persists

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
November 15, 2023

After Everything
Projections of Jobs, Education, and Training Requirements through 2031

Topic: Job Projections & Education Requirements
Press Release
June 12, 2023

Race, Elite College Admissions, and the Courts
The Pursuit of Racial Equality in Education Retreats to K-12 Schools

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
May 1, 2023

What Works
Ten Education, Training, and Work-Based Pathway Changes That Lead to Good Jobs

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
March 27, 2023

Race-Conscious Affirmative Action
What’s Next

Topic: Economic and Racial Justice
Press Release
December 7, 2022

Stop the Presses
Journalism Employment and the Economic Value of 850 Journalism and Communication

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
June 27, 2022

The Most Popular Degree Pays Off
Ranking the Economic Value of 5,500 Business Programs at More Than 1,700 Colleges

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies
Press Release
May 18, 2022

The Uncertain Pathway from Youth to a Good Job

Topic: Economic Value of Credentials & Competencies