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Skills Match

January 1, 2013 Anthony P. Carnevale discusses how Twelve million Americans are unable to find work and 40 percent of that number has been unemployed for six months or more. Authors, however, estimate the number of job vacancies in this country to be at 3 million per month. This article was published in American Association of Community Colleges Magazine.
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Time Magazine cites CEW reports promoting postsecondary education

December 5, 2012 Zac Bissonnette wrote an op-ed for Time Magazine, using CEW reports "The College Advantage" and "The College Payoff", to argue against three common myths among anti-college discussions. The reports show that between 2007 and 2012, Americans who didn’t go to college lost 5.8 million jobs; among those with bachelor’s degrees or higher, there was a gain of 2.2 million…
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Affirmative Action in the New York Times

October 13, 2012 In the New York Times Sunday Review, David Leohardt's op-ed cited CEW Director Anthony Carnevale's work to argue that affirmative action shouldn't be just about race. We should start to think about an alternative based on a broader equal-opportunity approach while also taking into account factors like low incomes. Download  
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2012 Opportunity Nation Summit

September 19, 2012  Center Director Anthony Carnevale attended the 2012 Opportunity Nation Summit to release the latest report: Career and Technical Education: Five Ways That Pay Along the Way to the B.A. In the panel “Staying ahead of the curves: Training for tomorrow’s jobs,” moderated by John Bridgeland, President & CEO of Civic Enterprises, Carnevale talked about the findings and…
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Career and Technical Education – Coverage by Report

American Public Media's Marketplace: "29 million middle-class jobs that don't require a B.A.," by Jeff Tyler (9.17.12) Chronicle of Higher Ed: "Career and Technical Education, a Key to Good Jobs, Needs Help, Report Says," by Jennifer Gonzalez (9.17.12) CNN Money: "Well-paying jobs, without the 4-year degree," by Steve Hargreaves (9.17.12) Inside Higher Ed: "Efficiency in Job Training," by Paul Fain (9.17.12) L.A. Times:…
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Carnevale on Radio Higher Ed

August 20, 2012 Radio Higher Ed: "A Conversation about the intersection of economics, higher education, and the workforce with Dr. Anthony Carnevale, Director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce," with Kathryn Dodge, Alison Griffin and Elise Scanlon.  
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The College Advantage – Coverage by Report

CSPAN (Washington Journal): "Post-Recession Jobs," (8/21/12) Daily Mail: "College graduates do much better in recession than those who only have a high school diploma," by James Nye (8/21/12) Associated Press: "Analysis: New studies weigh college value and cost," by Justin Pope (8/20/12) Daily Caller: "Report: College graduates fare better through recession," by Betsi Fores (8/17/12) Economic Policy Institute: "In what…
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