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CSPAN (Washington Journal): “Post-Recession Jobs,” (8/21/12)

Daily Mail: “College graduates do much better in recession than those who only have a high school diploma,” by James Nye (8/21/12)

Associated Press: “Analysis: New studies weigh college value and cost,” by Justin Pope (8/20/12)

Daily Caller: “Report: College graduates fare better through recession,” by Betsi Fores (8/17/12)

Economic Policy Institute: “In what way is a college degree valuable?” by Lawrence Mishel (8/17/12)

Forbes: “New Job Loss Study: The Less Educated Are The Hardest Hit,” by Susan Adams (8/17/12)

US News & World Report: “Study Shows a College Degree Can Be Valuable During a Recession,” by Catherine Groux (8/17/12)

Washington Post: “Education and the recession, continued,” by Dylan Matthews (8/17/12)

Inside Higher Ed: “Discussing the ‘College Advantage’,” by Doug Lederman (8/16/12)

US News & World Report: “Study: College Grads Weathering Economic Storm,” by Menachem Wecker (8/16/12)

Time: “One More Time: Yes, College Is Worth It,” by Kayla Webley (8/16/12)

Washington Post: “College graduates’ non-recession,” by Dylan Matthews (8/16/12)

Chronicle of Higher Education: “In an Economic Storm, a College Degree Is Still the Best Umbrella,” by Eric Hoover (8/15/12)

Inside Higher Ed: “A Degree Still Matters,” by Scott Jaschik (8/15/12)

New York Times: “Job Losses Persist for the Less-Educated,” by Richard Pérez-Peña (8/15/12)

NPR: “Study: College Degree Holds Its Value,” by Claudio Sanchez (8/15/12)