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Media Mentions

November 18, 2019

Fewer International Students Coming to US, Report Shows

In this piece for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Eric Stirgus writes about the decline in international student enrollment in US colleges. Stirgus quotes CEW Associate Director of Editorial and Postsecondary Policy Martin Van Der Werf on how rebuilding trust with China will take time for US colleges.
November 14, 2019

Return on Students’ Investments Varies Over Time

In this Inside Higher Ed article, Rick Seltzer writes about the recent CEW report “A First Try at ROI.” Seltzer quotes CEW Director Anthony P. Carnevale on how students should examine individual institutions rather than rely on the type of institution to make their decisions about college.
November 11, 2019

AP-NORC Poll: Many Say High School Diploma Enough to Succeed

Collin Binkley and Hannah Fingerhut write for the Associated Press about alarming survey results showing many students don’t view college degrees as likely to pay off. Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale explains why many students might be worried but emphasizes that earning a college degree typically has good financial returns.
October 8, 2019

Making Elite Colleges White Again

In this Hechinger Report article, Andre Perry writes about how fighting affirmative action in higher education only preserves a tradition of white privilege at elite institutions. Perry cites the CEW report “Separate and Unequal” to discuss the differences in enrollment at post-secondary institutions by race.
September 22, 2019

7 Ways to Reduce College Costs

In this article for Forbes, Ron Carson discusses the value of a bachelor’s degree and how to manage rising college costs. Carson cites the CEW report “Career Pathways: Five Ways to Connect College and Careers.”