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Media Mentions

NewsCEW MentionsMedia Coverage
December 3, 2018

HEA Reauthorization Can Reduce Equity Gaps That Persist for Students of Color

In this Diverse Issues in Higher Education opinion piece, Alyse Gray Parker and India Heckstall write about how a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act can serve as an opportunity to reduce persistent equity gaps for students of color. Parker and Heckstall cite the CEW report "Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020."
NewsCEW MentionsMedia Coverage
August 29, 2018

College vs. Paycheck

In this New York Times article, Rainesford Stauffer writes about college students who can't always choose between a job and an education. Stauffer cites the Georgetown CEW report, "Learning While Earning: The New Normal," in the article.
NewsCEW MentionsMedia Coverage
August 6, 2018

College Readiness Courses and Work-Force Development

In this Inside Higher Ed article, Elisabeth Barnett, Jennifer Zinth, and John Squires write about the impact of college readiness courses offered through partnerships between high schools and colleges. The authors pull from the report, "Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements through 2020" from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
NewsStaff MentionsCEW MentionsMedia Coverage
August 1, 2018

Will Majoring in Psychology Make You Better Off? The Government Wants to Know

In this Wall Street Journal article, Michelle Hackman, Josh Mitchell, and Douglas Belkin write about the Education Department's move to require colleges to publish data on graduates' debt and earnings by major. The authors quote Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale, Director at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.