This Higher Ed Dive article by Natalie Schwartz references the CEW Report “The College Payoff” to highlight how workers with bachelor’s degrees have significantly higher median lifetime earnings than workers…
Media Mentions
This NPR article by Elissa Nadworny quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about how going to college isn’t always the best advice for every high school student.
This article from Ed Source by David Wakelyn uses the CEW Report “Recovery” to emphasize just how important a college education is to obtaining a job in California’s economy.
This article from Inside Higher Ed by Sara Weissman examines the key finding from the CEW Report “The College Payoff,” being that bachelor’s degree holders tend to earn more than…
This Yahoo News article by Josh Moody references the Georgetown CEW report “The College Payoff” to compare median lifetime earnings across education levels.
This article by Chris Burt from University Business announces CEW Director Anthony Carnevale as a signatory of the Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement Coalition, a group aimed at promoting dialogue…
This article from International Business Times by Ben Scheffer quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on President Biden’s plans to implement tuition free community college and universal Pre-K.
This article by Ruth Bauer White from the Hechinger Report cites the Georgetown CEW report “Balancing Work and Learning” to emphasize the hardships some students face in working a job…
This University Business article by Matt Zalaznick cites CEW report “Dividend Recovery” to emphasize just how important a college degree has become in obtaining a job in the modern era.
This CNBC article by Abigail Johnson Hess outlines the graduate degrees that provide the highest increases in earnings, while quoting CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on equity issues in obtaining such…
This Washington Post article by Heather Long references the CEW report “The Economic Value of College Majors” to highlight that early childhood education majors are among the lowest earners.
Susan H. Greenberg writes for Inside Higher Ed about policies that would reduce student loan debt, quoting CEW Associate Director of Editorial and Postsecondary Policy Martin Van Der Werf.
This article from Diverse Issues in Higher Education by Rebecca Kelliher quotes CEW Associate Director of Editorial and Postsecondary Policy Martin Van Der Werf on the impact of eliminating standardized…
This Inside Higher Ed article by Emma Whitford quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on the importance of a college education and why some Americans are still skeptical about its value.
This New York Times article by Madeleine Ngo quotes CEW Chief Economist Nicole Smith on how to ensure the US workforce is trained for potential infrastructure job openings.
Andrew Hanson quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on the fallacies of measuring educational success solely based on college completion.
This article from Diverse Issues in Higher Education by Karen Stout quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on the barriers that prevent students from accessing higher education.
This Bloomberg article by Michael Collins references a CEW report to illuminate racial inequities still prevalent in higher education despite increasing access to college.
This Inside Higher Ed article by Susan H. Greenberg quotes CEW Senior Policy Strategist Artem Gulish on bolstering apprenticeship opportunities for college students.
This article in Education Week by Robert Balfanz cites the CEW report “Three Educational Pathways to Good Jobs” to stress the importance of a high school education in obtaining a…
This Forbes article by Michael T. Nietzel outlines the Lumina Foundation’s efforts to extend offerings of college grants, mentioning CEW studies that reveal the importance of a college education in…
In this Hechinger Report article, Jon Marcus examines the implications of disparities in higher education using data from the CEW report “The Cost of Economic and Racial Injustice in Postsecondary…
This Newsweek article by Tom Fish ranks private East Coast colleges by the lowest expected salaries for graduates. Fish cites the CEW report “A First Try at ROI.”
This article from The 74 by Beth Hawkins offers CEW Director Anthony Carnevale’s insight on the key to creating successful CTE programs.
This Marketplace article by Nancy Marshall-Genzer references the CEW report “15 Million Infrastructure Jobs” and quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale about the jobs that would be created by the infrastructure…
This article from The Hill by Kelsey Berkowitz and Joanna Mikulski cites the CEW report “Infrastructure” to highlight the need to create accessible and affordable pathways to new jobs through…
This Yahoo Finance article quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on how unpaid internships often serve as a barriers to higher earnings and quality work training, particularly for people of color…
This Vox article by Rainesford Stauffer references a CEW report about low-income working learners to break down the myth of a traditional college student.
This CNBC article by Abigail Johnson Hess quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on the student debt dilemma, and how those in debt with no degree ought to be among the…
This article from The 74 by Cheryn Hong examines the CEW report “Selective Bias,” along with insight from CEW Director Anthony Carnevale, to interpret the implications of the report’s key…
This CNBC article by Abigail Johnson Hess quotes CEW Director Anthony Carnevale on how tuition-free community college would increase access to higher paying jobs and maintain labor competitiveness with other…
This Yahoo Finance article by Andrew Lisa references Georgetown CEW report “2027 Projections” to explain how a college degree is becoming all the more important in a changing workforce, especially…
This Brookings Institute article quotes the Georgetown CEW report “Manufacturing” to shed light on how the changing manufacturing field is requiring more workers to receive more education.
This CNBC article by Abigail Jonson Hess references the Georgetown CEW report “Women Can’t Win” to explain how young workers often enter graduate school with hopes to increase their earnings…
This article by Purdue University cites the Georgetown CEW study “Three Pathways” to emphasize the importance of post-secondary education outreach for rural students.
This Forbes article by Liz Farmer analyzes Georgetown CEW report “Free College” to determine which model of free college programs will benefit those most in need.
This University Business article by Matt Zalaznick examines the data from recent Georgetown CEW report “Selective Bias” regarding possible discrimination against Asian-American candidates at selective institutions of higher education.
This article from Seattle Times by Anna Helhoski cites Georgetown CEW report “Economic Value of College Majors” to spotlight which fields and degree types provide the highest earnings.
This article from Times Higher Education article by Paul Basken references the Georgetown CEW report “Selective Bias” to analyze the key finding that there is little evidence of widespread discrimination…
In an article from Diverse Issues in Higher Education, author Sarah Wood references the Georgetown CEW report “Selective Bias” to highlight how Asian applicants fare better under the current holistic…