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Media Mentions

November 16, 2011

The future of U.S. manufacturing

November 16, 2011 Dr. Carnevale is interviewed by David Brancaccio on American Public Media's "Marketplace Morning Report." He discusses the increasing demand for higher education in the manufacturing sector. For more information on job prospects and education requirements in the manufacturing sector, please see our Career Clusters and Help Wanted reports. Download  
November 10, 2011

Wall Street Journal: Help Wanted: Mechanics, Not Chefs

November 10, 2011 The Wall Street Journal's "Generation Jobless" series interviews Dr. Carnevale on how the prospects for trade positions compare to other fields and occupations. For more information comparing opportunities by occupation and career clusters, please see our Help Wanted and Career Clusters reports. Download  
October 20, 2011

Demand, Pay for STEM Skills Skyrocket

October 20, 2011 Jason Koebler of the U.S. News and World Report discusses the findings in our STEM report with Dr. Carnevale. Specifically, they discuss the wage premium of STEM degrees over liberal arts degrees, and why, despite there being two STEM graduates for every STEM job, there is still a shortage of STEM workers. Download  
October 20, 2011

The Rising Value of a Science Degree

October 20, 2011 Motoko Rich of the the New York Times' Economix blog features our STEM report and interviews Dr. Carnevale on its findings. They discuss the shortage of STEM workers and majors, as well as the wage premium for STEM workers. Sixty-three percent of STEM workers with an associate's degree earn more than Bachelor's degree holders. For more information…